
Beware of fake resources. Community TIGERTRON has only one site address - TIGERTRON.IO

The Worlds #1 Smart Contract

For Your Own Decentralized Business
Matrix Platform

International community

Global Decentralized Ecosystem

Decentralized networking platform based on smart contracts that connects people from all over the world and opens the limitless possibilities of the new economic financial system.

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Zero Risk

The human factor is excluded. The smart contract does not depend on anyone, there is no way to stop the platform

Cloud Based

Instant transactions

The profit routes from other members directly into your personal wallet. There is no hoarding in the system, the income belongs only to you

No transaction fees

Immutability of conditions

Nobody can exclude you from the platform, because there is no such function in the contract. And the information recorded in the network blocks cannot be changed

Strong teams & Advisors

Transparency and Anonymity

The smart contract is public. Anyone can see the code and the entire transaction history. This guarantees the integrity of the system and real project statistics.

Instant operations


There are no managers or administrators, there are only the creators who are equal participants in the project, like everyone else

Protects the identity

100% online

All funds are transferred between members, there are no hidden fees. The contract balance is always zero

How Do I Start Earning With TigerTron?

Strong teams & Advisors

Create Wallet

Create a wallet Tronlink pro. Tigertron works with Tronlink pro , Token pocket and Trust wallet.

Strong teams & Advisors


Register on the site.If someone invited you, use his referral link. Check that your upline is correct.

Strong teams & Advisors


Activate levels in Tigertron systems to increase your income.

earned, TRX
earned, USD

Partner results

User-Friendly Dashboard

Tiger Tron is the international community of the global decentralized ecosystem and the first ever smart contract marketing matrix of the Tron networks. This is a self-executing software algorithm that performs the function of distributing partner rewards between community members, subject to certain conditions (matrix marketing plan). The contract code is publicly available. Information about transactions in the Tron network can always be viewed at the link

The Tigertron platform consists of self-executing trades, which do not permit anyone to interfere with the course of the transactions.

The Tigertron concept belongs to a group of crypto enthusiasts, who are members of the community and don’t have any special privileges.

Today, Tigertron is an peer-to-peer community of platform members, to whom the platform itself belongs.

A smart contract is an algorithm within a cryptocurrency’s blockchain. In our case, Tron is our first choice among those on which it is possible to create smart contracts. The main purpose of such contracts is the automation of the relationship, the opportunity to make a commitment self-executing

The process works based on distributing authority from a centralized administration to the participants involved in the process. Unlike a centralized system, all decisions are made by consensus.

To join the community, you need to install on your device (smartphone, tablet, PC) a crypto wallet and Telegram messenger

Tiger Tron works with all crypto wallets. When working with Tiger Tron: - for all types of Tronlink devices. These wallets are among the most popular and demanded in the global cryptoindustry..

We recommend subscribing to verified TigerTron Telegram channels. There you can ask questions to participants who will be happy to share their experiences. Join the Telegram chat We also recommend that you study the materials on the website in the "Academy" section.

There are many ways to buy / sell cryptocurrency for fiat money (currencies we are used to). All of them are designed for ordinary users and have an intuitive interface. The first operation will take you no more than 5 minutes on the site for exchanging fiat money for digital money. We recommend using the trusted exchanger aggregator

To register with Tiger Tron, you need to send 200 TRX to a smart contract to activate the INFINITY-X platforms, (after registration).

Please note: when replenishing a crypto wallet, it is important to take into account the commission in the Tron network - about 10 TRX.

Yes. Registration without an invitation link will put you in the id 1 team.

No one can close your account, even if they have a strong desire to do so. The account will always be saved in one of the TronScan blocks. You will continue to receive income from all levels, except the last active one.

To effectively interact with the TigerTron platform, you need: 1. Talk to the person who invited you or other experienced participants - they will help you take the first steps. 2. Go to section "Academy" with selected courses for successful work on the platform.

It is based on building a partner network. You tell potential partners about the platform’s potential and encourage them to collaborate with you. Partners who use your link send their first transactions to the smart contract address, and these are then instantly redirected to your wallet. The platform works directly with two marketing plans. Read more about the marketing plans in this video.

The platforms TigerTron INFINITY-X are designed in such a way that all participants in the system help each other. Passive income is possible, it depends on the activity of partners who can get into your sites through overflows or overtaking. You can receive spillovers from upstream or downstream partners, but your income will depend on their activity. To provide yourself with passive income in the future, you need to make certain efforts - to attract new partners and open new platforms in INFINITY-X By inviting even one very active person to your team, you can already earn money and achieve your goals. How quickly this happens is up to you.

You don't have to force participation on anyone. Now many people are interested in making money on the Internet, and some are looking for new opportunities themselves. You can find them on social networks on your own, or set up an automatic sales funnel and interested people will find you themselves. More about this in the "Academy" section. Use your strengths, watch webinars, ask questions to experienced platform members and improve your skills through free schooling and success will not keep you waiting. Your result depends only on you! Use guide

TIGERTRON does not retain any funds, so the balance of the smart contract is equal to zero. You can see this for yourself, by following the LINK. Your income arrives instantly into your personal wallet directly from your partners. Only you have access to your wallet and no one else can manage your money.

The INFINITY-X programs are matrices with a limited number of places. There are places in the INFINITY-X. When filling in the matrix, the same new one opens automatically. Each program has 15 levels in TigerTron INFINITY-X. Each level costs exactly 2 times more expensive than the previous one and allows you to earn 2 times more.

Not. You buy any level in the program once and for all. Levels have no expiration dates. This makes the Forsage platform significantly different from other platforms where repeat payments are required from you.

If there are no free places left on a level, then the next partner gets a place in an automatically created matrix of the same level. This is called Repeat. The partner who took the last place pays for the new matrix, and the amount goes to a higher-ranked partner. This process is entirely automated by the smart contract.

Overflows are when vacant places in your sites are filled with partners who were not invited by you. They can come from both an upstream partner and a downstream partner. Overtaking is a situation when your partner does not have a level that his partner activates and the transaction is sent along the chain to you, provided that you have this level active. This partner follows you and brings you income until his superior partner activates the missing levels.

No. This is out of the question. Your personally invited partner stays with you forever thanks to the referral link.

TigerTron doesn't give members unfulfilled promises like a pyramid scheme. Everyone's success depends on himself. TigerTron is stable even at 1000x scaling. TigerTron does not create debt or other obligations. TigerTron is a next generation crowdfunding platform and has nothing to do with pyramids. The principle of a pyramid scheme is based on the fact that most of the money is concentrated in the hands of its creators. The earlier you came, the more you earned. The financial pyramid can close at any time. Members of the TigerTron platform - both leaders and newcomers - are on an equal footing. Nobody can stop the work of the platform. its functioning is provided by a smart contract, which cannot be deleted or changed. Even if the site stops working, all data and structure will be intact, and the smart contract will continue to function as long as the Internet and electricity exist.

There are no risks of the TigerTron platform. It is enough to invite 1 person to immediately recoup the initial participation costs. The platform operates on the basis of a smart contract in the blockchain system. The smart contract code is publicly available. All transfers go directly to your personal wallet, without any hidden fees and without the use of third-party resources. This ensures that any amount you earn belongs to you and only you, and you can use the money in any way you want in the very second it entered your wallet.